The Cookbook

The Let’s Get Lost Cookbook is the culmination of many of the recipes and stories I published in this newsletter in 2024. It includes 143 recipes with full page color photos of every dish and, scattered amongst the recipes, a handful of the stories from our life on the road.

*Scroll down for a preview of the book!

If you are a subscriber of Let’s Get Lost, this book would not be possible if not for your support. Your questions, comments, suggestions, and encouragement shaped the pages of this book, week by week and issue by issue. Thank you.

If you are not a subscriber of Let’s Get Lost, I invite you to subscribe! The newsletter is read across all 50 U.S, states and in 57 countries. And you will not find a kinder or more generous community of people anywhere on the internet.

If you are a member of The Lost Supper Club (a paid subscriber to this newsletter) - you can purchase the cookbook at a discounted rate.



Important information:

  • The book is published through Lulu, a print-on-demand publisher. Since, each book is printed one at a time, the print version is more than you might expect to spend on a cookbook. If you love actual physical books as much as I do, I’m certain you’ll feel that it’s worth it!

  • The digital cookbook is considerably less expensive. It will download straight to your computer or tablet and is exactly like the print version, just in digital form.

  • If you are a member of The Lost Supper Club (a paid subscriber to this newsletter) - you get a discount! Click here to purchase the book at a discounted rate.

Not a Supper Club member? Curious as to what that’s about? Here’s where you can read all about it.

A preview of what you’ll find inside the book

Since I can’t physically put the book in your hands to let you thumb through it, here are a series of screen shots, taken directly from the digital version of the book.

Some basic info:

  • The book includes 143 recipes with full color photos spread throughout 325 pages.

  • The book also includes a handful of essays about our life on the road and some other thoughts that made it out of my head and onto the paper.

  • Scattered throughout the pages are 36 “no recipe required” dishes. These are for all of you throw-it-together people: they are more of an idea than a recipe and meant to be tossed together, all willy nilly, with whatever you have and whatever you like.

If you are a member of The Lost Supper Club (a paid subscriber to this newsletter) - you can purchase the cookbook at a discounted rate.



Read more about the Let’s Get Lost Newsletter and the Lost Supper Club

  • Here’s where you can read more about Let’s Get Lost and the Lost Supper Club.

  • Scroll through the archives of the year’s published issues of Let’s Get Lost. (The previous year’s archive is available to paid subscribers.)

  • Check out the recipe index to read through the recipes published here this year. (The previous year’s recipes are available for paid subscribers.)